
Boston Sucks...just a lil bit!

TBS raised our glasses to white people, cold weather, and really good colleges.
Shopping in Boston turns you into a turtle. 
Good nose pickers and hand gloves...HARVARD gets it man.
Got to love the Boston groupies! 
In the middle of sex with Christina and friends always brings out the best faces! 


OUT 101 2008

The best picture taken.
This is us glam-ed out.
Lookin all G. All the time.


Out 101 2008

Cheers! To sex faces of all kinds.
Real love. 
A place where nobody dared to go.
"Who pays you!" "Who made you!" 
Doesn't this look like fun?

Out 101 2008

The man of the night. 

My chandelier inspired groupie.

S was roaring up the heat. Waiters stand back! 

The venue. Amazingly glamorous. Lighting and white feathers 1940's old school.


The Best Excuse Ever!?!


you'll never believe what happened to me last night.

here's what happened:
earlier in the day, Frank, Alex and I went to the "Battle of the Marching Bands" at Tad Gormley stadium.
I thought frank would love it, bc of how much he loves the bands in the parades. so it was my idea.
it was supposed to be 12 bands from local schools in nola. like st.aug, easton, etc.
we got tickets ahead of time, and we went.
well, upon arrival it becomes clear that we are 3 of maybe 12 white people there and thousands of black people.
but we're cool. whatever, we love marching bands.

it started out lame, then got really fun.
soldja boy was there performing, along with Doug E. Fresh. and others.
by the end, everyone was on their feet in the packed stands, dancing and singing along, etc.

well, we were getting cold and thinking we would leave a little before it was over. it was dark.
so, we got up to leave and went down under the stands, like in the concession area.
there was a ton of people down there and we started milling around in the crowd, watching the "fashion show" that is was to see all those people there and making our way to the exit gate.
when suddenly the entire crowd started running and screaming from behind us!
so frank grabbed my hand and we started running too.
it was madness!
ever seen that movie Cloverfield?
yeah. kinda like that.
while running for our lives, frank and I and a bunch of people in this one spot fell. we got trampled by other people running over us. ambush. madness.
i skidded on my right hip. cement on skin. scrape. bruise.
i lost both my shoes.
we got back up and kept running. barefoot.
we didn't hear gun shots, but everyone was ducking and running low. screaming.
finally, we hid behind some cement columns, but we were still in the gate. no easy way out.
then, another wave of people screaming and running, so we ran again! up back into the stands, where the show had stopped and the fear was spreading. then again, after a short moment to breath.
another wave of running! people started rushing the field. jumping the stands, running across the field.
other people were just standing in bewilderment.
so, we jumped over the bars and ran across the field too.
found another gate at the far end of the field.
so, with a small crowd we fast-walked out that gate.
the whole time, saying, what the fuck!?!
cops looking like idiots.
nobody knowing whats going on.
we got the fuck out of there.
walked back to the car.
my hip bleeding. me limping.
somehow ALex kept up with me and Frank and we didn't lose each other.
we were freaked out.
drove home slow.
nothing on the news or internet about it.
super weird.

we went back to Alex and Sarah's house and made dinner.
we were too freaked out to go out after that.
especially to the saint. coudn't be in a crowd.


i've never been in a situation like that.
it was crazy.

I'm fine though. frank cleaned me up when we got home. just a scrape/bruise on my hip.

more later.
got to go to the studio now.



Thursday Night Fun.

We are random.
We are fun.
We like to dance.
Thursday Night.
Oh, Thursday Night. 
TBS loves Thursday Nights. 
Check out the clip to see our moves. 


Can I get 1 mic?

Yes you can if you VOTE! 

Be that American citizen and do it. You will like how you feel on the inside. All TBS members and friends voted, so if we did you should too! 


Halloween 2008 TBS & Friends.

Thank you BUD LIGHT for sponsoring. This BUD is for you, us, and TBS lovers. Cheers. 
a kiss is just a kiss. 

do you know what bloody fingers mean?
mexican love.

Everyday is Halloween.

a new song in the works.
a discussion among friends. democracy.

who ordered the suspicious package?

TBS is no stranger to dressing up.