
NEW MOMS ON THE BOOK...kinda annoying

I think it's safe to say that pretty much anyone who can compose an email is on Facebook. What started out as a college social networking site has become the American friendship connector to your past, present and your future. But when do the friend requests cross the web line? Being a single girl living in New York City, it's nice to have my family on Facebook. I catch up with my cousins, nieces, and nephews. I look at their photos and comment on the mommy and me status updates. The question is though, do I want to do that with Stacey Crisco, mother of three who loves her husband of seven years and all things blue? The same Stacey Crisco who I haven't seen or talked to since 4th grade?? NOT AT ALL. Sorry Stacey.

You see, lately I've noticed an influx of friend requests. What used to be the usual suspects of the random guys I've dated has turned into a mommy brigade. And these are not my real friend's becoming new mothers. No, these are the mom's I went to elementary school with, who I have not uttered a word to since our fourth grade graduation. So, why would I want to be your friend, mom? New moms are eager to be on Facebook. It's the 15 minute escape from reality, also know as motherhood, only to talk about, you guessed it - motherhood. I'm proud that your a mom. In fact, if you're happy you're a mom, I'm happy for you. I just don't want to see your status updates about the next time you plan on breastfeeding or know when you posted 250 family photos of everyone in that traditional "say, Facebook" pose. You know the one. The straight line of people with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders in size order all smiling directly towards the camera. And I don't care to see your comments about arranging playdates and nanny horror stories. So, for all the new moms out there on Facebook, here's a clue:

Next time you go to friend someone you haven't seen or talked to in over 18 years and this person has no kids and lives in a different city than you, rethink it. Because in the end, we are both two very different people. Two people who would never be friends in the real world and on Facebook.

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